K i k i s J o u r n a l

Japanese animation has the power to captivate audiences of all ages with magical stories, endearing characters, and breathtaking animation."Kiki's Delivery Service," a film by Studio Ghibli directed by Hayao Miyazaki, embodies these elements perfectly while conveying essential values.

Released in 1989 in Japan and in 1991 worldwide,"Kiki's Delivery Service"tells the story of Kiki, a 13-year-old witch who, according to tradition, must leave her family home to perfect her witch skills and find her place in the world. Accompanied by her faithful black cat, Jiji, Kiki settles in a charming coastal town where she opens a delivery service using her magical broom.

Illustration, Kiki’s Delivery service

Independence is a central theme of the film. Kiki leaves the family nest to forge her own path, a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. Her boldness and desire to succeed on her terms illustrate the importance of independence and self-confidence. Viewers are encouraged to pursue their dreams and embrace their own path, even if it's filled with obstacles.

Adventure is also a significant element of the story. Kiki explores the town, makes new acquaintances, and faces unexpected challenges. This adventure pushes her out of her comfort zone and forces her to adapt to various situations, thus strengthening her character. The desire to explore the world and embrace new experiences is a value that resonates strongly in the film.

Illustration, Kiki’s Delivery service

Hard work is another central theme. Kiki opens her delivery service using her magical broom, and she strives to satisfy her customers by providing reliable service. The film emphasizes the importance of perseverance and effort, even when faced with difficulties. It serves as a reminder that success requires work and determination.

Lastly, environmental protection is an underlying theme. The coastal town depicted in the film is a picturesque place threatened by modernization. Kiki and her friend Tombow strive to protect a thousand-year-old tree, highlighting the importance of preserving nature in the face of rapid development. The film encourages reflection on our relationship with the environment.

"Kiki's Delivery Service"is much more than a simple animated film. It celebrates essential values such as independence, adventure, hard work, and environmental protection. With its endearing heroine, stunning animation, enchanting music, and universal themes, this Studio Ghibli film remains a must-see for animation enthusiasts. It reminds us of the importance of following our dreams, embracing adventure, working hard, and raises awareness about environmental protection, all while transporting us to a magical and enchanting world. If you haven't seen it yet, it's time to take flight on Kiki's broom for an unforgettable adventure.

Read author article : Hayao MIYAZAKI next
Illustration, Kiki’s Delivery service