K i k i s J o u r n a l

In the magical world of Studio Ghibli, high in the azure sky, the young witch Kiki gracefully soars on her magical broom. In this fleeting moment, she utters words that continue to inspire entire generations:"I fly because it makes me feel free."

This iconic quote resonates like an enchanting melody of youth, a period in life where the need for freedom and independence is a fervent and irresistible call. Kiki, the young aspiring witch, embodies the fearless spirit of youth, eager to unfold in the world, defy conventions, and lose herself in the vastness of the sky.

Illustration, Kiki’s Delivery service

"I fly because it makes me feel free" expresses a profound desire to break free from the chains of conformity, routine, and social expectations. For the youth, this quest for freedom is an initiatory journey, a search for their own path in a world that sometimes seems to restrict their dreams and ambitions.

Kiki, flying on her magical broom through the vast skies, represents the escape of youth, the flight into the unknown, the exploration of uncharted lands. It's an act of courage, a leap into the void with the conviction that the wings of youth will support her, that the horizon is promising, and that freedom is the most precious of rewards.

Illustration, Kiki’s Delivery service

The music that accompanies this scene is an emotional echo of this quest. Joe Hisaishi's enchanting notes carry the listener to ethereal heights, evoking a sense of lightness, joy, and wonder. It's an anthem to youth, a rallying cry for all those who seek to embrace life with indomitable passion

The quote evokes an aspiration to embrace the world with a free perspective, to follow one's dreams without hindrance, to feel alive and connected to the universe. It's a statement of intent, an invitation to youth and all those who desire to feel alive, to rise to the challenge, to soar into the unknown, to pursue their dreams with the certainty that freedom is their heritage.

In essence,"I fly because it makes me feel free"is an invitation to dive headfirst into the quest for freedom, to follow one's heart, to break free from constraints, to believe in one's own abilities, and to flourish in a world filled with infinite possibilities. It's an ode to youth, to the aspiration for a life full of meaning and discovery, and to the passionate flight toward a bright future. It's the call of freedom, an anthem to youth and the perpetual quest for independence."

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Illustration, Kiki’s Delivery service